Year 6

Autumn Term Enquiries

How do we learn?

Linnaeus and Darwin - how are they connected?

How are lives saved?

Spring Term Enquiries

 Who were the greater engineers -Victorians or the Ancient Britons?

Where does our food come from?

Summer Term Enquiries

How big is your footprint?


Electricity & Light

Spring Term 2024 Knowledge Map

Childrens Activities and Work 

Year 6  have been enjoying learning about Pop Art during the Autumn term. They ended the term by making calendars inspired by the Brazilian artist, Romero Britto. They used felt tip pens to create these brightly coloured masterpieces!

Our Author Writer work was based around a video called ‘Faithful Friends’, a short film about a boy called Jack and his dog, Harry. Year 6 wrote the story for the video which had no speaking. We used dialogue as well as ‘show not tell’ description to engage the reader and to build atmosphere in our stories.

Year 6 have used their engineering skills to design and make moving Christmas cards. They used a lazy tong mechanism to make their cards move, cleverly hiding their mechanisms behind other parts of their cards.

Year 6 read the book ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. One of the deadly creatures that the boys in the story must avoid is the Yellow-Spotted Lizard. We researched these venomous reptiles and wrote non-chronological reports to share the information that we found out.

Year 6 Team

Teachers Teaching Assistants
Miss C Morgan (Year 5/6 Team Leader) Mrs C Yarnall
Ms S Taylor Miss T Hughes
Mr C Taylor Mrs J Reed
Mrs A Gale

Mrs T Elliott


Year 6

Autumn Term Enquiries

How do we learn?

Linnaeus and Darwin - how are they connected?

How are lives saved?

Spring Term Enquiries

 Who were the greater engineers -Victorians or the Ancient Britons?

Where does our food come from?

Summer Term Enquiries

How big is your footprint?


Electricity & Light

Spring Term 2024 Knowledge Map

Childrens Activities and Work 

Year 6  have been enjoying learning about Pop Art during the Autumn term. They ended the term by making calendars inspired by the Brazilian artist, Romero Britto. They used felt tip pens to create these brightly coloured masterpieces!

Our Author Writer work was based around a video called ‘Faithful Friends’, a short film about a boy called Jack and his dog, Harry. Year 6 wrote the story for the video which had no speaking. We used dialogue as well as ‘show not tell’ description to engage the reader and to build atmosphere in our stories.

Year 6 have used their engineering skills to design and make moving Christmas cards. They used a lazy tong mechanism to make their cards move, cleverly hiding their mechanisms behind other parts of their cards.

Year 6 read the book ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. One of the deadly creatures that the boys in the story must avoid is the Yellow-Spotted Lizard. We researched these venomous reptiles and wrote non-chronological reports to share the information that we found out.

Year 6 Team

Teachers Teaching Assistants
Miss C Morgan (Year 5/6 Team Leader) Mrs C Yarnall
Ms S Taylor Miss T Hughes
Mr C Taylor Mrs J Reed
Mrs A Gale

Mrs T Elliott


Year 6

Autumn Term Enquiries

How do we learn?

Linnaeus and Darwin - how are they connected?

How are lives saved?

Spring Term Enquiries

 Who were the greater engineers -Victorians or the Ancient Britons?

Where does our food come from?

Summer Term Enquiries

How big is your footprint?


Electricity & Light

Spring Term 2024 Knowledge Map

Childrens Activities and Work 

Year 6  have been enjoying learning about Pop Art during the Autumn term. They ended the term by making calendars inspired by the Brazilian artist, Romero Britto. They used felt tip pens to create these brightly coloured masterpieces!

Our Author Writer work was based around a video called ‘Faithful Friends’, a short film about a boy called Jack and his dog, Harry. Year 6 wrote the story for the video which had no speaking. We used dialogue as well as ‘show not tell’ description to engage the reader and to build atmosphere in our stories.

Year 6 have used their engineering skills to design and make moving Christmas cards. They used a lazy tong mechanism to make their cards move, cleverly hiding their mechanisms behind other parts of their cards.

Year 6 read the book ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. One of the deadly creatures that the boys in the story must avoid is the Yellow-Spotted Lizard. We researched these venomous reptiles and wrote non-chronological reports to share the information that we found out.

Year 6 Team

Teachers Teaching Assistants
Miss C Morgan (Year 5/6 Team Leader) Mrs C Yarnall
Ms S Taylor Miss T Hughes
Mr C Taylor Mrs J Reed
Mrs A Gale

Mrs T Elliott