Autumn Term Enquiries
Why do we live here?
What is the difference between noise and sound?
Author Writer Thank You Cards
In Author Writer, we have been learning about the features of a diary entry. When we get back from year 4 camp, we are going to have a lot to write about! We also wrote thank you letters to Joanna for speaking to us in our Enquiry lessons.
Science – Making Musical Instruments
Year 4 have enjoyed the final challenge of their recent enquiry, 'What's the difference between noise and sound?' The children’s experiences have been enriched by not one, but two visiting speakers who taught us about how the ear works, as well how sound waves travel through the air (and water and metal!) During this Enquiry, we also followed our own curiosity by thinking of (and answering) questions that were connected to the topic.
When making these instruments, we learned the importance of working as a team, problem solving and using different materials. Finally, we tested and evaluated our final products to see how well they worked and suggested any improvements.
In our maths lessons, we used outdoor learning as a hook into our topic of Place Value. Year 4 have deepened their understanding using place value grids, part-whole models and gattegno charts with verbal and written reasoning really showing how well they have understood the sequence. Well done, year 4!
Stick Art
In Art we collected sticks and other materials from the Environmental Area and constructed some stick people. We worked together in small teams and co-operated to make sure we were successful in our task. Everyone listened to each other and shared ideas. We also made stick crosses to place near Ben’s Memorial so that other people could stop and reflect.
Teachers | Teaching Assistants |
Mrs S Gill | Mrs J Reed |
Mrs S Edmonds | Mrs P Howell |
Mrs V Samler |
Mrs L White |