Autumn Term
What could my classroom be made of?
How do we live a healthy life?
How can we help?
Religious Education
Who is Muslim and how do they live? Part 1
Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
Spring Term
How are schools the same?
How will we get around in the future?
What is home?
Religious Education
Who is Muslim and how do they live? Part 2
Why does Easter matter to Christians?
Summer Term
How do plants grow in Chudleigh?
What did Brunel do for Great Britain?
What else lives near me?
Religious Education
What is the good news Jesus brings?
We have enjoyed being Artists this term.
We have drawn our self-portrait using pencils. We focussed on observing the detail of our facial features, thinking about proportion, shape, line, texture and shading.
We also linked our artwork to our enquiry, What could my classroom be made of? We drew observational drawings of a house. We started by drawing an outline and then filled in the details like windows, doors, roof tiles and walls by looking for shapes, curved and straight lines and shading.
Here are a selection of our drawings.
Engineer – den building
As part of our enquiry, What could my classroom be made of? we designed a reading den using what we had learnt about materials and their properties when we were being Scientists. We then worked together in pairs to create a 3D model of our designs. We used joining techniques that we had practised, such as fold, slot, flange and tab. We had such fun and are very proud of our models!
Here are a selection of our models.
We explored lots of different materials and learnt about their properties. We sorted them into different groups according to what they were like. We learnt new vocabulary: flexible and rigid, shiny and dull, transparent and opaque.
Teachers | Teaching Assistants |
Mrs K Solway (Year 1 and 2 Team Leader) | Mrs J Huxtable |
Mrs S Penlington | Miss C Yarnall |
Mrs C Walters | Mrs L Mortimore |
Mrs S Thomas |
Mrs V Samler |