
If you are interested in your child joining us, either in our main intake into our Foundation Stage classes or at any other time, please do come along and visit us. We hold open sessions for parents and children to see what we have to offer during the autumn term. If you would like to make an appointment to visit, please contact the school Business Management Team.

If we can make a place available to you then we will. If not, you would have the right to appeal to a panel that is independent of the school and we would place your child’s name on a waiting list for vacancies.

Devon County Council is responsible for our admissions policy because we are a Voluntary Controlled School. The policy is reviewed every year in the Council’s annual consultation in December and January. This welcomes the views of our local community.

We take part in the co-ordinated admissions schemes of Devon County Council which help parents to make applications for admission to school. Parents can apply through Devon for in-year admissions and through the local authority where the child lives for the normal round of admissions.


Admissions Policy


For information on applying for your child to attend Chudleigh Primary School, please visit;


If you are interested in your child joining us, either in our main intake into our Foundation Stage classes or at any other time, please do come along and visit us. We hold open sessions for parents and children to see what we have to offer during the autumn term. If you would like to make an appointment to visit, please contact the school Business Management Team.

If we can make a place available to you then we will. If not, you would have the right to appeal to a panel that is independent of the school and we would place your child’s name on a waiting list for vacancies.

Devon County Council is responsible for our admissions policy because we are a Voluntary Controlled School. The policy is reviewed every year in the Council’s annual consultation in December and January. This welcomes the views of our local community.

We take part in the co-ordinated admissions schemes of Devon County Council which help parents to make applications for admission to school. Parents can apply through Devon for in-year admissions and through the local authority where the child lives for the normal round of admissions.


Admissions Policy


For information on applying for your child to attend Chudleigh Primary School, please visit;


If you are interested in your child joining us, either in our main intake into our Foundation Stage classes or at any other time, please do come along and visit us. We hold open sessions for parents and children to see what we have to offer during the autumn term. If you would like to make an appointment to visit, please contact the school Business Management Team.

If we can make a place available to you then we will. If not, you would have the right to appeal to a panel that is independent of the school and we would place your child’s name on a waiting list for vacancies.

Devon County Council is responsible for our admissions policy because we are a Voluntary Controlled School. The policy is reviewed every year in the Council’s annual consultation in December and January. This welcomes the views of our local community.

We take part in the co-ordinated admissions schemes of Devon County Council which help parents to make applications for admission to school. Parents can apply through Devon for in-year admissions and through the local authority where the child lives for the normal round of admissions.


Admissions Policy


For information on applying for your child to attend Chudleigh Primary School, please visit;