Our syllabus, the Devon, Plymouth and Torbay Agreed Syllabus, reflects the legal requirement that Religious Education should seek to develop pupils’ knowledge, understanding and awareness of Christianity and at least two other principle world religions.

Each year group follows a theme through the school year in RE, with all their units of work fitting into these themes, which are as follows:
Reception – Being Special

Year 1 – Caring
Year 2 – Belonging
Year 3 – Faith and Community
Year 4 – Journeys
Year 5 – Tradition
Year 6 – Ways of Seeing

In addition to any festivals included in the themes, all year groups study Christmas and Easter each year.

All the pupils are encouraged to reflect on meaning of events, celebrations, special people and places through learning about religion and learning from religion.

As a school, and individual year groups, we regularly visit the church for celebrations and to help teach the units of work, including ‘What can we learn from a place of worship?’ studied in Year 2 and ‘What can we learn from Christian religious building?’ in Year 4.

The ethos of the school is reflected in the teaching of Religious Education – a caring, respectful community, eager to learn and question, developing positive attitudes of human feeling and imagination, appreciating the wonders of the world in which they live, and developing the sense of self-respect and individual worth necessary to live as independent adults within a co-operating society.